In 15 years of coaching experience, we’ve found that organic care and scientific bases yields the best experience and end result. When you work with HTK method, every entity working on your health comes together ensuring no detail is left unearthed, and your goal becomes a sustainable reality.
After years of working with Coach Cash I’ve seen growth in many areas mentally and physically. Initially my body transformed into a leaner build and my strength increased tremendously without the unnecessary weight I thought I needed with other training methods.
The drive to push through fatigue was instilled in the workouts and results shown extremely fast and in abundance. I believe if you’re looking to train for sports, build your physique, or transition into working out as a hobby or you’re looking to make a life change, Coach Cash is the perfect person to start or continue your journey with.
The knowledge you’ll be given as far as movements, muscles you target throughout the workout, the reason why each movement is important to your growth, and how important consistency is your fitness journey will yield amazing results.
My physical endurance increased as well, and mental endurance.
Ty M. (football- HTK since 2018)
My physical endurance increased as well, and mental endurance.
The drive to push through fatigue was instilled in the workouts and results shown extremely fast and in abundance. I believe if you’re looking to train for sports, build your physique, or transition into working out as a hobby or you’re looking to make a life change, Coach Cash is the perfect person to start or continue your journey with.
The knowledge you’ll be given as far as movements, muscles you target throughout the workout, the reason why each movement is important to your growth, and how important consistency is your fitness journey will yield amazing results.
Ryan O. (football- HTK since 2018)
You were the first coach I interacted with when I went to my first practice. I didn’t know anybody and had no idea how you guys operated. Although I didn’t feel like I necessarily needed it, you always came up to me to see how I was doing, get to know me, and all that.
You made me feel like family only within a week
You’re amazing at getting to know people and having fun, but when it’s time to work its time to fuckin work.
of working together and with the team.
of working together and with the team.
You’re amazing at getting to know people and having fun, but when it’s time to work its time to fuckin work.
You made me feel like family only within a week
Tyreek (football- HTK since 2020)
The first thing I noticed while working out with you was how determined you were… your determination made me go harder while i was lifting was definitely needed. I also like the fact that you didn’t have any sympathy when it comes to lifting, you didn’t want to hear us none of us complain… I believe that right there is definitely needed because a lot of people find the easy way out but you’re the total opposite.
Erika E. (crossfit- HTK since 2020)
My favorite part of having you as a coach was that you are
so knowledgeable about physical movement and how to tie all aspects for optimal fitness
ie: strength, mobility, aerobic capacity. Also,
in a movement ie: why and how do I engage my lats in overhead movements.
you could always explain the “why”
so knowledgeable about physical movement and how to tie all aspects for optimal fitness
you could always explain the “why”
ie: strength, mobility, aerobic capacity. Also,
in a movement ie: why and how do I engage my lats in overhead movements.
Angelica P. (crossfit- HTK since 2016)
You are a positive force, empathetic, loving, good coach. My time with you was about learning to crossfit and while doing it,
No more running like a hamster to be skinny,
showed me to love myself, and my body.
okay to love and embrace those big legs I get from my mother.
you showed me that it was
showed me to love myself, and my body.
No more running like a hamster to be skinny,
showed me that it was okay to love and embrace those big legs I get from my mother.